One of the themes we have discussed in Bible study here at SMCC is the intention of the heart. As I read our chapter assignment for today, I was reminded of those discussions.
God chooses Samuel to anoint another while Saul is yet alive. God has chosen well in Samuel; Samuel steps out to fulfill his commission despite the danger that lurks for him. At one point, Samuel is sure the chosen of the Lord stands before him...Eliab...but Samuel himself is reminded by God that God looks not on outward appearance but "on the heart." Samuel waits. Eliab is not the one.
The text in Luke shows us the example of Ananias and Sapphira who appear to be godly followers, but who have indeed been dishonest. Peter names Ananias's heart as the place where the trick was conceived...a place that Satan now fills. This husband and wife meet a bad end when God looks on their hearts.
Later in the chapter, as we read of the actions of Peter and the apostles, of the high priest and the chief priests, and even of the Pharisee Gamaliel, we get a good idea of what might be going on in each of their hearts.
All of these examples...all of these intentions...make me stop and think. How much effort do we spend on improving what the world sees of us? How much effort do we put into what God sees?
What is the intention of our hearts today?
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