Tuesday, April 22, 2014

Readings April 21-27

 We start an exciting new book in the New Testament this week, the Acts of the Apostles.  It is the story of the founding and growth of the church after Jesus' resurrection and ascension into heaven.  Chapter 2 is pivotal as it tells us about the Holy Spirit coming at Pentecost which empowered them for service. Peter and John feature in the early chapters leading up to the stoning of Stephen, who was the first to die for his faith.  Following Christ can be costly!

In the Old Testament in 1st Samuel the people of Israel insist on having a king like all the other nations, even after being told he will oppress them and they will become his slaves. Saul is the first king but things don't turn out well and he is rejected by God.  David is chosen instead and anointed by Samuel.  In chapter 17 there is the classic Sunday School tale of David and Goliath - stirring stuff!  Also look out for the fine story of friendship between Jonathan, Saul's son, and David.

Psalm 23 is included this week - what a wonderful psalm which has brought comfort and help to untold multitudes.  But don't miss out on Psalm 24 an equally wonderful psalm about the Lord taking his rightful place as King. 

 21     1 Samuel 8           Acts 1                   1 Samuel 9
 22     1 Samuel 10         Acts 2                   1 Samuel 11         Psalm 23
 23     1 Samuel 12         Acts 3                   1 Samuel 13
 24     1 Samuel 14         Acts 4                   1 Samuel 15
 25     1 Samuel 16         Acts 5                   1 Samuel 17
 26     1 Samuel 18         Acts 6                   1 Samuel 19         Psalm 24
 27     1 Samuel 20         Acts 7                   1 Samuel 21


  1. Acts, Samuel, the Twenty-Third Psalm--stirring stuff indeed. It doesn't come any better that this!

    1. I have enjoyed the readings this week.
