This week we have only two books. In the Old Testament we continue with 2 Samuel and David's kingship. David extends his kingdom and consolidates his rule but there are still quite a few bumps in the road. David gets caught out in an adulterous affair with Bathsheba and arranges for her husband to be killed. Yet God is watching and uses the prophet Nathan to confront him with his sin. Also David's son Absalom rebels against him and forces him to flee for a time and again later there is Sheba's rebellion. All is not plain sailing for the king after God's own heart! He made quite a few mistakes but still God did not reject him. That should be comforting for us. We do not have to be perfect but if we sin we still need to repent and ask for God's forgiveness.
In Acts we read about Paul and his co-workers travelling to Macedonia and Greece. He debates with the philosophers in Athens and goes on to establish the church in Corinth. Then on to Ephesus where he gets caught up in a riot (not a quiet life for Paul!) Then he revisits many of his churches again. Never a dull moment for Paul. I like the story in Acts 20 about the young man who fell asleep listening to Paul's sermon and falls out the window! It is nice to know even the Apostle Paul can preach someone to sleep! The story has a happy ending though as he is prayed for by Paul and he comes back alive!
5 2 Samuel 6 Acts 16 2 Samuel 7
6 2 Samuel 8 Acts 17 2 Samuel 9-10
7 2 Samuel 11 Acts 18 2 Samuel 12
8 2 Samuel 13 Acts 19 2 Samuel 14
9 2 Samuel 15 Acts 20 2 Samuel 16
10 2 Samuel 17 Acts 21(22-23*) 2 Samuel 18
11 2 Samuel 19 Acts 24 2 Samuel 20
* We read Acts 22 and 23 in January but you may wish to read them again for continuity.
David, thanks, not just for the list of readings, but for the preparation comments. They "set the scene" for us.